Krav Maga Books By Gershon Ben Keren
Gershon Ben Keren is an Amazon Best Selling Author who has written three books on Krav Maga. Rather than simply demonstrating Krav Maga techniques, the books take a situational approach looking at how Krav Maga can be used as a solution to violence, as well as when disengagement and/or deescalation might be more effective approaches. Using his academic knowledge in Criminology and Criminal Psychology along with his firsthand experiences of violence, the books are an education into what real world violence actually looks like.
Krav Maga: Real World Solutions To Real World Violence

Google Author Talk: Real World Solutions To Real World Violence
"Krav Maga - Real World Solutions To Real World Violence" (Tuttle Press - 2014)- an Amazon Martial Arts Bestseller - looks at a variety of premeditated assaults, such as muggings, abductions, as well as certain incidents of pre-meditated social violence. Strategies and tactics, along with techniques and solutions are presented that deal with a wide variety of armed and unarmed attacks and threats. Photographs were taken in real-life locations, and shot at full speed, so the real nature of both the attack and the defense could be captured. This allows for the realism of violence to be presented, rather than staged in a studio setting.
The book contains striking combinations that employ upper and body combatives, along with how to position yourself, relative to your attacker in order to be successful in deploying your attacks; to be effective you must be in an advantageous position whilst putting your attacker in a disadvantageous one. The underlying principles upon which effective fighting are explained and demonstrated, and this approach is taken throughout the book.
In 2015, Gershon was invited to present a Google Author Talk, explaining the ideas and concepts contained within the book, along with the methods for predicting, identifying and avoiding violence. To see inside the book on Amazon click here
Krav Maga: Tactical Survival

Google Author Talk: Krav Maga Tactical Survival
"Krav Maga - Tactical Survival" (Tuttle Press - 2017), focuses on incidents of social violence, such as confrontations in bars and clubs, random disputes and aggressive/potentially violent arguments etc. It contains techniques and solutions for dealing with both armed and unarmed assailants, as well as methods for identifying, avoiding and de-escalating confrontations, so that physical violence can be avoided. Photo sequences were taken at full speed, in full color and in the types of location, where such incidents occur, giving a real feel for what violent incidents actually look like.
The book contains a comprehensive method for de-escalating violent confrontations based on psychologically proven techniques that have been shown to be effective in crisis negotiations. This highly effective and simple method is easy to use, and the book expalins when it is appropriate - and when it is not - to do so.
In 2017, Gershon was invited back to Google to present a second author talk, detailing and explaining the methods concerning how to deescalate situations and resolve conflicts. This was the first time that an author had been invited back to give a second talk. To see inside the book on Amazon click here
Krav Maga: Extreme Survival

Active Shooter - Issues With Weapon Disarming
"Krav Maga - Extreme Survival" (Tuttle Press - 2018), focuses on extreme situations and acts of violence, such as active shooter and killer incidents (140 incidents were studied in the writing of the book), car-jacking scenarios and home invasions etc. There is also in depth material on the predatory individuals who engage in such activities, along with ways to predict and identify them before they engage in these acts of violence. Photos, were shot in full color and at full speed in the locations where such events occur e.g. schools, restaurants, public spaces etc.
The solutions to active shooter/killer incidents, are those that have been tried and tested in Israel for over twenty years - these solutions originally developed organically, with citizens learning what worked and what didn't initially by trial and error, until a distinct set of convergence tactics was developed. These were so succesful that the terrorist organizations switched from using active killers to suicide bombers.
The book also looks at situations involving home invasions and how to deal with someone who is in the process of forcibly entering your home, as well as what to do when you find someone in there. The same approach is taken with car-jacking and hostage situations when you are in and around your vehicle. To see inside the book on Amazon click here