Krav Maga Yashir Online Training
Whilst Krav Maga Yashir's Online Training Is Accessible to Existing Students & Members We Are Not Offering Any New Ongoing/Monthly Memberships At This Time. If You Are Interested In Taking Our Online Short Course Please Click Here.
Welcome to Krav Maga Training Online, the online training website of the Krav Maga Yashir system. The purpose of the site
is to provide Krav Maga training for the following audiences:
1. Those who have an interest in Krav Maga but do not have a Krav Maga school where they can train, or whose hours prevent
them from attending classes. This site can be used even if you don't have a training partner.
2. Those who already train in Krav Maga and want some additional resources to help them improve in their physical practice.
3. Those who may be training in Krav Maga or another Martial Art/Self-Defense System and want to increase/improve their
education as to what real-world violence looks like and the different contexts within which it is experienced.
Rather than organize and categorize techniques and solutions demonstrated by belts, the information is organized
(and can be searched by keywords) into sections, such as “Upper Body Combatives”, which includes sub-sections, such as
“Straight Strikes”, “Elbows”, “Headbutts” etc. This makes the site much more usable and allows you to quickly find the
solutions that you are looking for.
This site isn’t simply a repository of video clips showing techniques. Using videos, still photographs and text, techniques are explained, rather than simply demonstrated, so that you can understand why somebody might attack or threaten you in a particular way e.g. the difference between a mugging, an abduction etc. and how you might best respond; and that might not always be physically. The legal use of force in different situations is also explained and discussed, along with why stamping on somebody’s head, or shooting someone after you’ve disarmed them is often a legally indefensible action, resulting in a criminal and/or civil prosecution etc. This is not just a website about Krav Maga, but rather a resource that teaches you how to use Krav Maga. This includes drills and conditioning exercises which will help you improve your Krav Maga practice. You also have access to recorded online classes with Gershon Ben Keren, that allow you to practice on your own in your home – the classes are also recorded (only the instructor is recorded) and stored online so that you can access them anytime.
There are also presentations on various aspects of crime and violence, such as understanding how geography can affect
criminal behavior, how to detect deception etc. By understanding such things, we stand a good chance of being able to
predict, identify and avoid violence before it happens; and if it is unavoidable, we will not be caught by surprise.
Members of the site also get to attend these monthly presentations and have access to the back catalog of them.
Content is being added all the time, and will continue to be, because solutions to violence need to change as new threats and dangers emerge e.g. 20-years ago there wasn’t such a need for active shooter training, and acid attacks were not so prevalent etc. Our understanding of violence and our solutions to it need to be updated.