Krav Maga Blogs For July
Principle 6 - Power Punching

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 30th Jul 2012
6. All techniques should utilize maximum body weight. This involves striking with forward movement Our system recognizes that in the first instance it is often difficult to deliver and perform powerful strikes. To align the hips and transfer weight forward can be extremely difficult in the first moments of dealing with an assault, especially if you are not just figuratively, caught on the back foot. This is why we advocate fast strikes to the eyes, throat and groin that can be delivered using hand speed alone, that requires little or no power/force to have effect i.e. a poor eye strike will...Click To Read More
Being The Athlete/Person You Want To Be

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 23rd Jul 2012
Everybody wants to either: lose 10 lbs, put 10 lbs of muscle on, get stronger, get fitter, be faster, be better etc. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Olympic Athlete or an ordinary Joe Schmo. I made my choice of who I wanted to be when I was around 8 years old and I’m still working at it – the task never stops. I don’t have any special talents and I’m not naturally or athletically gifted - something I discovered aged 19 when I realized despite my hard work and determination, I didn’t have what it took to be a...Click To Read More
Travel Security - Airport Pickups

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 15th Jul 2012
On Friday, I conducted an afternoon of training for a group of executives whose role sees them travel abroad on a regular basis - to a variety of countries in both the developed and developing worlds. I am always impressed by companies and managers who see the value in equipping their staff with both self-protection and self-defense skills. It shows both a personal level of care for their employees as well as recognizing that they are also an asset and resource to the business. One of the things we discussed in the seminar was the way in which familiar business...Click To Read More
Training In Different Environments

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 9th Jul 2012
I’m going to take a break from the 10 principles of fighting to write about our experience(s) of beach training on Saturday. Firstly, I’d like to thank those who turned up to try something a little bit different from our usual training experience(s) in the studio. I think everybody started to get an idea of the benefits of training in different environments and I’d like to explain and detail some of these and why it is so important to “mix up” our training from time to time. I’ve been involved in martial arts and self-defense virtually all my life (since age...Click To Read More