Krav Maga Blogs For December
Location - Accepting Reality

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 28th Dec 2014
One of the five situational components is location – the place where the assault happens – and replicating location in the studio and dojo can be extremely difficult; as by nature the mat space or training area is relatively large and expansive, whereas in reality, most of the places where you will be assaulted or surrounded by obstacles, and barriers and by nature confined. The term “Street Fighting” is largely a misnomer, and certainly not a synonym for reality based self-defense, as the “street” is only one of many locations including, homes, bars, pubs etc. where real-life violence can occur...Click To Read More
Car Services, Taxi\'s, Crimes & Assaults

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 21st Dec 2014
There have been several reports of alleged sexual assaults committed by drivers of the taxi service Uber. Whilst is would be easy to single out Uber, and other car sharing services as being single handedly guilty for providing sexual predators with an easy mechanism for gaining potential victims, many licensed drivers (as well as unlicensed) have raped, and assaulted their passengers. Others have been involved in setting up muggings, extortions and the like. This blog article looks at preventative measures we can take when hiring taxis and driver services etc. It is much better to avoid and prevent an incident,...Click To Read More
Knockout Strikes, Continued Assaults & Killing Grounds

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 14th Dec 2014
I have had several students of different self-defense systems and martial arts, as well as Krav Maga, walk through my doors and inform me that their old instructor had the power to end the fight with just one devastating blow – the most important thing to acknowledge here is that the instructor/teacher may never have said this, and it is the student’s interpretation and understanding which is being communicated. Once whilst I was away training in Israel, a prospective student who’d never met me came into my school, and informed the instructor who was standing in, that I was physically...Click To Read More
Walking Away

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 7th Dec 2014
One of the most often asked questions I get, surrounding the self-defense techniques I teach is, “Is that legal?” I’m going to caveat my response(s) to this question by first saying I am neither a lawyer nor an LEO (Law Enforcement Officer); I would also state that an LEO’s situation is very different, both from a personal safety perspective and a legal one – I have a huge amount of sympathy for the police, when it comes to protecting themselves from harm and danger because the responsibilities and accountability they have surrounding this, is often much more complicated than that...Click To Read More