Krav Maga Blogs For September
Female Sexual Assailants

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 28th Sep 2014
This blog is prompted by an incident that occurred in Saugus, Massachusetts (a town just a few miles away from where my Krav Maga school is located), where two men (one underage), and a female sexually assaulted a 16 year old girl. Whilst the majority of sexual assaults and rapes are conducted by men, there are women who engage is such crimes, against both sexes (male and female), as well as against adolescents and children. In many cases the media and the legal system, as well as society, has a bias in not treating sexual assaults by women, as seriously...Click To Read More
Pepper Spray - Types & How To Use Them

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 21st Sep 2014
The law in Massachusetts changed in 2014, to allow persons over the age of 18, to purchase and carry pepper and other defensive sprays, without having to have an FID card (Firearm Identification Card). This gives women over the age of 18, the opportunity to carry pepper spray without having to go through an application process, or complete any paperwork. This article, aims to explain how, where and when the use of pepper spray is appropriate and effective, along with situations where it is probably not applicable to use. This article will also explain the different types of spray, and...Click To Read More
OC/CS Spray

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 15th Sep 2014
There is nothing technically difficult about using OC/CS Spray i.e. you literally point it at somebody\'s face and spray. Because of this, many people feel safe and secure because they own and carry a canister of pepper spray or Mace etc. The same is true of many firearms owners; you have a gun and by default this means your safe. A firearm, in many ways is an equally simple weapon as OC/CS Spray e.g. take the safety off, point, and pull the trigger. The sophistication of both tools comes not from their...Click To Read More Personal Safety takes effort and requires change, which is why many people neglect it; they would rather stay in a state of denial, believing it won\'t happen to them, or cripple themselves with worst case scenarios, that although are highly improbable are almost impossible to solve. In last weeks blog I talked about dropping my kid off at school (it was his first day), and the way the school run is an opportunity to demonstrate to those that may be watching, that our children are not soft targets;...Click To Read More Sometimes blog posts are extremely personal. This is one of them. I am writing this whilst my son pretends that this is bedtime and he is getting ready to fall asleep, though really he is just reading a book and laughing, at the bad jokes in it (I have read parts of the book and the jokes are bad). Tomorrow I will take him to school, for the first day of a new term. We have a routine: I walk with him till we get to the school,...Click To Read More
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 7th Sep 2014
Back to School
Gershon Ben Keren
Tue 2nd Sep 2014