Krav Maga Blogs For January
Martial Arts & The Movies

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 25th Jan 2015
This week, I had the pleasure of training a group of UK Journalists who had come over to Boston in order to promote the release of the film, “The Equalizer” – for those who don’t know, or haven’t seen the movie, its set in Boston. As part of their trip, which involved going to various set locations etc. we provided them with some Krav Maga training, demonstrating how real-life violence differs from cinematic violence, as well as some of the similarities. In this blog article I will lay out some of the points we discussed and covered in these sessions. Firstly...Click To Read More

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 18th Jan 2015
Criminals choose their particular crimes for a variety of reasons e.g. a mugger needs quick cash and isn’t afraid of confrontation, the pickpocket also needs quick cash but wants to avoid any confrontation, shoplifters usually steal to order and have the promise of cash and believe there is less of a chance of getting caught or being confronted that pick pocketing or mugging etc. Mugging, pick-pocketing and shop lifting are generally low-level crimes committed by people looking to make quick but relatively small sums of money, that probably goes towards supporting a drug habit. Burglars are regarded somewhat higher on...Click To Read More
Terrorist Attacks, Workplace Violence & Evacuation Strategies

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 11th Jan 2015
I was asked a question at a book signing last night, “Could anybody in the Charlie Hebdo Offices have done anything against the terrorists, who went on a rampage shooting?” For those who are unaware, Islamic Extremists, murdered 12 workers at the satirical publications office in Paris, in “revenge” for publishing unflattering depictions of the prophet Muhammad. Without turning this blog into an article on terrorism and Islamic extremism, I would urge a note of caution to those people who suggest that if the news agencies and magazines etc. would stop publishing articles that extremists find offensive, such attacks would...Click To Read More
Dirty Fighting - Eye Gouges, Biting and Spitting

Gershon Ben Keren
Sun 4th Jan 2015
There are no such thing, as a dirty fight. The fact that another individual has forced you to have to engage in a physical confrontation, is a dirty thing, which gives you carte blanche, to deal with them in any way that ensures your survival – every target is game e.g. eyes, throat, groin, hair etc. and every tool or weapon is acceptable, whether it’s the bottle you’ve picked off the floor, or your teeth. The more destructive you are, the better; your job is to convince the person you are dealing with that they’re unable to do to you...Click To Read More