Krav Maga Blogs For December
Not All Child Molesters Are The Same

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 30th Dec 2019
In last week’s article I talked briefly about child sexual abductions. In this week’s article I want to look at child molestation and pedophilia, as there is often some confusion as to why different predatory individuals target children for sexual abuse, and the motivation(s) behind these offenses e.g. there can be a tendency to look at the sexual predation of children being committed by a singular type of predator who acts and operates in a universal manner. What surprises many people is that most sex-crimes against children and teenagers are not committed by pedophiles or hebephiles. Hebephiles are those adults...Click To Read More
An Actuarial Approach to Making Risk Assessments

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 23rd Dec 2019
Wearing your seat belt can get you killed. If you find yourself in a burning or submerging vehicle, the seconds spent trying to unbuckle yourself might be the difference between life and death (if you do need to unbuckle in a hurry, don’t waste time searching for the release, put your hand on the belt/webbing across your chest and follow it down, with your hand, until you find the belt clip). However, auto deaths in submerged, and burning vehicles, only account for about 3% of all annual vehicular fatalities. Far more people are killed in collisions and accidents, where seat...Click To Read More
The Reluctance To Be Wrong

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 16th Dec 2019
It can be hard to admit we are wrong, especially if we have invested in something or someone for a period of time, and desperately want to believe that we’re not – even if all the evidence points to the contrary. The human mind is all too capable of performing logical gymnastics in order to rewrite a situation or incident so that we can prove ourselves right, which cannot only affect our judgment concerning present decision-making, but also affect our ability to make good decisions in the future; which is why we rarely learn from our “mistakes” i.e. our decision-making...Click To Read More
Why Rapes Don't Get Reported

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 9th Dec 2019
This article comes out of some discussions I’ve had during and after our women’s self-defense class, concerning some of the reasons why women are reluctant to – or don’t – report sexual assaults and rapes. Certain reports and studies, such as victimization surveys, suggest that as little as 5-10% of all rapes are reported; and that reporting isn’t evenly spread e.g. rapes committed by strangers are much more likely to be reported to the police than those where the perpetrator/assailant is known to the victim i.e. the most common types of rape. In this article, I want to look at...Click To Read More
Walking The Line

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 2nd Dec 2019
De-escalation and conflict resolution in fast-moving, dynamic and aggressive situations is much art as it is science – or rather I should say it is the art of using and applying science effectively. You must be able to recognize which situations can be de-escalated and which can’t e.g. predatory individuals with specific goals, such as relieving you of your wallet, or abducting you, are very unlikely to be talked down, and there are those individuals whose identity is too wrapped up in any conflict, that they are going to use violence regardless of what you say and do (something which...Click To Read More