Krav Maga Blogs For May
Dealing With A Stalker

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 27th May 2019
Many years ago, when I was much younger, I had a stalker. Like most stalkers, it was an ex-intimate partner who couldn’t and didn’t want to accept that the relationship had ended – even though it had been a very brief one that had only lasted a couple of months. The stalking campaign lasted roughly six months, and finally ended when I moved apartments (for other reasons). At the beginning, I didn’t know much about the phenomenon of stalking, and did a lot of things wrong which fueled and perpetuated it, and it was only as I educated myself that...Click To Read More
Options In Context

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 20th May 2019
Not all points in a violent confrontation, are the same or “equal”; and this effects the options we have. If you can recognize a developing situation early on, you will have a lot of potential options e.g. you could disengage, you could look for an improvised weapon, or make ready your own personal carry weapon, such as your OC/Pepper spray, etc. If you are reacting/responding to a physical attack, these options aren’t going to be as readily available to you, as your focus and concentration will be on dealing with the attack that is underway. The same attack in the...Click To Read More
How Tidying Up Can Save Your Life

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 13th May 2019
Holding on to objects, and to a certain extent hoarding, is inherent in the human condition. To a certain degree and extent, it’s etched into our DNA – as part of our survival instinct(s). We became the apex creature on this planet due to our ability to fashion tools, and these tools ensured our survival. When we first came down from the trees, and onto the plains, losing a flint for making fire, or a bowl to cook in, could have been disastrous for us, and so we started to place a value on items, that was different from other...Click To Read More
5 Methods For Dealing With Strikes

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 6th May 2019
There was a YouTube clip I saw awhile back, where an instructor was saying that blocking was an irrelevant method for dealing with attacks, because it’s a rarely employed tactic in MMA, with most fighters covering and riding punches, rather than blocking them. I teach both methods, and teach the contexts where each is preferable, and effective. However, these are only two of five basic approaches to dealing with strikes and punches, and in this article I want to take a look at these five, how they compare, and the different contexts within which they should/may be employed. The five...Click To Read More