Krav Maga Blogs For December
Following The Science

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 28th Dec 2020
One of the things I have heard people/politicians say over and over again during the COVID-19 pandemic, is that they’re following “the Science”. “The Science” is sometimes a YouTube clip or possibly a meme, but rarely is it a carefully researched article, with quoted sources that has been peer-reviewed i.e., there seems to be a lot of confusion, about what science is, and we seem to be at a time when a backyard experiment featuring somebody’s brother-in-law, standing on a ladder, with a piece of wet string attached to a 9-volt battery, angling a Hungry Man pie dish at the...Click To Read More
Crime After The Pandemic

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 21st Dec 2020
I have written in previous articles about how crime and violence (in Boston) changed during the strictest part of the COVID-19 lockdown (March-June 2020), based on police incident reports. However, with the first deliveries of the vaccine to the Boston Medical Community, it may be time to start looking at and imagining what the criminal landscape may start to look like as things return to “normal”. I would like to caveat what I write by stating that this isn’t a prediction, but more of a conservative and evidential speculation that doesn’t include a post-apocalyptic city with burning buildings and zombies...Click To Read More
Crime Foraging Theories

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 14th Dec 2020
Although we may be highly sophisticated animals, with an incredibly unique and sophisticated (but not necessarily complex) brain, we are nonetheless still animals, and some of our behavioral patterns are extremely similar to those of other species – mainly because we have inherently adopted certain strategies from particular evolutionary specialists who have discovered the most efficient and effective ways to survive. This makes sense, as our brains did not primarily evolve to think, which is what we as a “higher species” might like to believe and tell ourselves, but to simply manage our resources in the most cost-effective manner possible...Click To Read More
Inhibitors to Action

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 7th Dec 2020
One of the most important survival skills is decisiveness. I remember on a CP (Close Protection) course I was once on, being told by a travel security specialist, that in the event of an airplane crash, as soon as the plane comes to rest, you should grab your principal – the person you are looking after - and start moving (it’s one of the reasons, I always keep my shoes on when flying, even when I’m not working – and my footwear is practical for the purpose of evacuating quickly e.g. I don’t wear flip-flops or sandals). The people who...Click To Read More