Krav Maga Blogs For September
Roundhouse Kicks

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 28th Sep 2020
The low roundhouse kick is one of the few kicks that is fast enough to initiate an attack without first relying on an attacker’s movement e.g. if you were to initiate an attack with a thrusting kick, such as a front kick, against an aggressor who is in a “neutral” position, the chances are that they would see the kick coming and back away; whereas if you were able to cause them to be moving forward, as you threw the kick then you would improve your chances of landing it significantly. Part of the reason why thrusting/stomping kicks are relatively...Click To Read More
What Happens Next

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 21st Sep 2020
Most of us have been in arguments/disputes and dealt with aggressive and angry people, and probably most of the time nothing happened e.g. one or both parties walked away. This may not have been the result of good de-escalation and conflict resolution, but was instead down to the fact that neither party was that motivated to escalate the conflict into a physical confrontation. In fire safety, there is the idea of “commitment” that is used to explain why people don’t evacuate buildings when the fire alarm goes off e.g. if a person is in the middle of a meal at...Click To Read More
Unknown Risk

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 14th Sep 2020
Often people will look at risk as existing on a spectrum, of low to high e.g. sitting in your living room watching TV is a low risk situation/environment, whilst going for a walk in a bad neighborhood late at night is a high risk activity, etc. There is some logic to this, however the danger of categorizing people and situations as being “low” risk, is that we can let predatory individuals fly under our radar and/or we fail to take seriously potential threats that may be in our environment. If I’m walking through a dodgy neighborhood, late at night –...Click To Read More
Stolen Goods & Demand

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 7th Sep 2020
Say’s Law states that supply creates its own demand i.e. when products and services are put out into the marketplace, demand will naturally and automatically be created for these things e.g. most mobile phone users don’t “demand” that their iPhone camera needs a higher resolution or are even aware of what may be possible, and instead wait for Apple to supply them with a new phone that is rich in these features. A consequence of this Law/Theory is that to increase economic growth, production – not demand - needs to increase. The underground/illegal economy works in the complete reverse; it...Click To Read More