Krav Maga Blogs For June
Narcissism: Three Subclassifications

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 26th Jun 2023
Between 2010 and 2017 there were on average 357 peer reviewed articles each year studying narcissism. That’s a lot. Anecdotally, I see around five references a week on social media, regarding this personality disorder and self-defense/personal safety. However, it should be understood that within both the academic and clinical communities, there is much debate and even controversy surrounding this personality disorder. Whilst the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) provides the foundation and definition of what narcissism is, this should be seen more as a starting point than a conclusion e.g., it lists the behaviors that define narcissism...Click To Read More
Our Inner Voice

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 19th Jun 2023
Thoughts don’t need words. An idea does not need a vocabulary to exist. Language is an external thing which societies have created in order for members to communicate with each other. It is not necessary to know words to be able to think. If a person grows up without other people, they are still able to have ideas, however when we have words, we are able to create/have an “inner voice”. The easiest way to demonstrate this is to recall your phone number. When you do this, you will form and articulate the numbers in your mind e.g., if your...Click To Read More
Cell Phone Security

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 12th Jun 2023
I have written about mobile phones, from a personal safety perspective, before e.g., about how they can make us feel safe, even though they put us in more danger (Click Here), how they allow us to hand over control of a situation to someone who is not there (Click Here), and how we can hand over control of our safety to apps and devices, rather than taking responsibility for ourselves (Click To Read More
Where Doors Are Weak

Gershon Ben Keren
Mon 5th Jun 2023
Debt collectors know how weak doors are. In certain jurisdictions if a door is open, it’s a legal invitation to enter a property and once inside, possessions can be removed, and the debt recovered; the value of the goods is determined by their auction value, which at best is usually a third of their actual worth. I could write several articles on why most debt that is bought isn’t “legal”, and the companies selling it don’t have a right to, however that is not the point of this article. Those who recover debt(s) know how easily a front door can...Click To Read More